Heal Center Atlanta

Heal Center Atlanta current events and info. The Heal Center Atlanta offers Aromatherapy and Reflexology training, Classes, Certification.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Friday, August 19, 2005


What is Aromatherapy

When the public thinks about Aromatherapy, it is most often associated with candles and fragrance! In many countries, however, this form of complementary medicine is well accepted and researched and its uses with people as well as animals have been well documented.

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using pure essential plant oils to maintain and promote physical and emotional well being and balance. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts, which contain the vital life force and consciousness of the plant. They are extracted from botanical sources through distillation or cold _expression. As an Aromatherapist, one has to be extremely selective when purchasing essential oils, making sure that they are completely natural and unadulterated. There is a growing trend worldwide towards organic oils.

Aromatherapy is no doubt an amazing healing field for humans as well as our pets. There is a wide variety of ways in which essential oils may be used. When applied topically, directly on the body, these oils penetrate rapidly into the skin and into the blood stream. This will have a beneficial, balancing and at times an antibacterial effect on the body. Secondly, the volatile essence and aroma is inhaled and processed via the olfactory nerves, which deal with the sense of smell. They have a subtle effect on the mind, which in turn affects the body.

One of the most versatile and well-known essential oils is Lavender (Lavendula officinalis). The name Lanvedula comes from the Latin word ‘lavare’, which means ‘to wash’, indicating that it is used for cleansing and disinfecting. At the same time, Lavender is well known as a sedative, calming oil that comforts and calms animals and humans alike. For example, if your pet seems upset or unsettled, applying a few drops of lavender behind the ears, or on the back, will soothe and calm the pet. Lavender is also used extensively to relieve irritated and itchy skin, and as a muscle relaxant. This is only one of many essential oils that may be used therapeutically.

Caroline Ingraham, an accomplished and renowned British author, has been working extensively with horses as well as dogs and cats, for more than 20 years. In her book “Aromatherapy for Animals” she quotes: “I first studied essential oils in 1984, but it was not from these studies that I gained my wealth of knowledge, indeed it was from the animals themselves.” Caroline noticed the responses when animals were allowed to self-select different oils or plants for various health and behavioral conditions. “To have an understanding of the plant oil and to read the animal’s response is all that is needed to take part in the healing of your animal”

Caroline Ingraham will be in Atlanta, giving a 3-day course on Animal Aromatics at the HEAL CENTER in Sandy Springs on Nov 11-13. Roz Zollinger, director of the Heal Center, also teaches classes and workshops in Aromatherapy and Reflexology. For more information please call (404) 303-0007 www.healcenteratlanta.com

Friday, August 05, 2005



In many countries around the world, including the UK, Australia and South Africa, Massage and Aromatherapy are fully integrated. My vision is to see more integration and acceptance of this amazing gift that nature gives us, in the massage community in Georgia and the US.

Massage Therapy and Reflexology are ideal methods of administering essential oils because these plant essences easily permeate the skin via sweat glands and hair follicles. From there, they travel around the cells until they are absorbed into the capillaries and blood vessels as well as the lymphatic system. They are thus carried to the various organ systems or muscle groups to be utilized by the body. Aromatherapy also works via inhalation, whereby the molecules bind with the nerve fibers at the back of the nose, and are carried to the Olfactory bulb in the brain, which produces an immediate physical, mental or emotional reaction. Think about the aroma of an aromatic rose!


Aromatherapy, in the true sense of the word, is the systematic use of essential oils (plant essences) to maintain and promote physical and emotional well being. It was identified in the 1920’s as a form of complementary medicine, however the roots are ancient. Essential oils are highly volatile substances that are found naturally in aromatic plants, flowers, roots and trees. These are extracted from a botanical source through a variety of methods, mainly distillation and cold _expression. One has to be extremely selective when purchasing essential oils, making sure they are unadulterated. There is a growing trend towards organic essential oils.

As an Aromatherapist, one would select the appropriate oils for specific conditions. If a client presents with inflammation and pain, anti-inflammatory and analgesic essential oils such as Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum, Lavender and Marjoram may be used. If a client has lymphatic congestion, essential oils such as Lemongrass, Cypress and Rosemary may be applied. A drop of Eucalyptus or Spike Lavender on the face cradle would help keep the sinuses clear, whereas Lavender or Sweet Orange will aid in relaxation. Rose, Frankincense and Neroli calm the heart. Applications of aromatherapy are many and varied and include oil/lotion blends, sprays, compresses and diffusers. However a certain amount of training or knowledge is a necessity when using these powerful substances. Join me in pioneering “Aromatic-Massage/Reflexology”!

In love and light

By Roz Zollinger- Heal Center, Atlanta.